Life Insurance and related Products are sold through Horizon Financial Solutions Inc.
Helps You Survive With Life-Threatening Illnesses Hassle-free!

What Is It?
Critical insurance is a type of policy that is designed to provide coverage for all chronic illnesses like heart attack, cancer, stroke, and more. The medical emergencies or chronic diseases are often greater, a policy makes a victim pay for the expenses with ease. A person with a family medical history, sole breadwinner, and who ages more can go with this option to overcome harsh situations.

Some of its features are:
• By covering all your serious illnesses, the policy ensures you a great peace of mind and you just focus on recovery.
• The pay-outs done for this insurance are completely tax-free.
• Flexible; a victim can pick the coverage as per the need.
• Provides individuals with big coverage; pays for hospital visits, medical evacuation, and more.
How To Get The Right Policy Option?
When you are looking for an insurance plan covering serious diseases of you and your family, it is advisable to get professional advice. We help our clients understand and determine how much coverage they need for their severe illnesses. A professional also help knows the ins of insurance and get the best plan for you. Feel free to contact us for accurate advice and quote.