Life Insurance and related Products are sold through Horizon Financial Solutions Inc.

Protect Your Family Financially with A Back plan

Life is uncertain- What if something unfortunate happens to you? secure your family’s financial future with us. We offer reasonable and flexible life insurance plans. To know more – Let’s Talk

What is Life Insurance?

Life Insurance and related Products are sold through Horizon Financial Solutions Inc.

Simply put, life insurance means safeguarding your loved-one financial needs in case of tragedy. And, it is inclusive of all the expenses you bear like mortgage payment, bill payments, or bracing kids through school, and many more- in case something happens to you. At Horizon Financial Solution we provide simple, affordable, and flexible plans for life.

How we can help you with this?

Our life insurance advisors will ensure that you get complete peace of mind with us. Whatever type of insurance you need be it- for family or business, we have got you covered for all. Our expert mentors will start your protection plan with immediate effect and its duration will be as per your desire.

What’s your Insurance need?

Term Life Insurance – It will offer coverage for a specified period like 10 years or 20 years, for example. Plus, we will pay the set amount insured by you to your loved one if you pass away within the term.

Permanent Life Insurance – In this type of plan you will be insured for a lifetime i.e. there will be no change in premium throughout life. Additionally, the beneficiary will get the entire amount with tax-free death benefits.

Horizon Financial Solution offers remarkable tailored-made life coverage plans as per your requirement, feasibility, and future goals!

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